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  • Writer's pictureMaryna

Thursday Read-Throughs 12/17/20

Hi, writers!

We're back with another round of "Thursday Read-Throughs." Congrats to the winners from the past two weeks: 12/3/20 was Gennie G., Molly I., Beth G., Amy R., and Jessica H.

12/10/20 was Susan N., Jessica H., Gennie G., Dawn D., and Tonnye F.

Once again, Sarah Meade and I are giving away SIX voice recordings to help the writing community. Sarah will record three manuscripts, and I'll record three manuscripts. Yay for teamwork!

Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

If you win, you'll email me (or Sarah) your manuscript. We'll record ourselves reading it aloud. Then we'll email it back to you so you can hear how your writing sounds.

If you'd like to participate in this week's "Thursday Read-Throughs" giveaway, here are the guidelines:

1) Subscribe to my blog by entering your first name and email down below where it says "SUBSCRIBE" (Note: if you've subscribed in the past, you don't need to re-subscribe)

2) Subscribe to Sarah's blog by clicking HERE and entering your email address at the bottom of the page

3) Retweet my "Thursday Read-Throughs" pinned tweet

Giveaway ends on 12/17/20 at 9 P.M. PST. Six winners will be selected. If you are one of the winners, you can submit a manuscript or an excerpt of a manuscript that's 1000 words or less. Also, the manuscript must be your own work, not someone else's.

That's it!

I hope you participate in the "Thursday Read-Throughs" giveaway! You've got nothing to lose. Only something to gain!

One last thing, it's Sarah Meade's birthday on Thursday, December 17th, so if you have a second, feel free to wish her a happy birthday!

P.S. If you don't win the giveaway but would still like a recording of your work, check out my read aloud services by clicking HERE.

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