Sincerely, Diary
An illustrated novel for tweens ages 8-12.
​A diary that writes back? Yes, please!
Sixth grader Annamarie Nilsson has no idea her diary is reading all her secrets until it magically responds to one of her private diary entries. Now her mind is RACING—but in a good way!—because that means she has a friend who understands how FRUSTRATING it is to have NO FRIENDS. After all, she just moved to her new Arizona neighborhood and is DYING to find a BFF.
Even worse, she feels excluded by her dad and sister, so Diary helps Annamarie scout out the perfect friend.
Maybe Annamarie's new BFF is the neighbor she’s been spying on? Or maybe it's the popular girls who just invited her into their cool group?
Annamarie is determined to fit in and will do ANYTHING for a best friend.
She gushes ALL about it to Diary. But things get SUPER suspicious when a diary page goes missing. Who stole it? And what will they do with that information? Will someone find out Annamarie's secrets and put her reputation on the line?
Unfortunately, others are hiding things, too. It’s up to Annamarie to search for clues and uncover the truth.
Purchase the book here.

Confessions of a Stepsister
For tweens ages 10-13.
Something old. Something new. Something borrowed—stolen too!
All twelve-year-old Emerald Pope wants is her mother’s love. She’d do anything to feel like a priority. But since her mom left, that’s never been an option. Now that Emma’s dad is getting remarried, she’s got a second chance at being a mother’s priority with her soon-to-be stepmom, Diana. But when Diana chooses her biological daughter, Charity, to be maid of honor instead of Emma, things heat up. One evil plan and a few lies later, Emma sabotages her stepsister, Charity, hoping to steal the coveted maid-of-honor role. But one misstep could destroy everything, and if discovered, Emma’s secret scheme may end in disaster.
All twelve-year-old Charity wants is a baby sister. When she finds out she’s getting a stepsister instead, disappointment sets in. Charity tries to get along with her stepsister. But she keeps messing up. When Charity suspects something off about Emma, she hunts for clues, stumbling upon shocking evidence. As Charity learns to forgive, she realizes God’s redemptive plan for all who are guilty. Still, Charity wrestles with the questions: Are all relationships repairable? And will God give her a baby sister?
Purchase the book here.

The Detective Dottz Mysteries:
Holiday Collection
For kids ages 7-12. Available on TPT.
Help Detective Dottz solve these mysteries through each season and holiday!
This is a collection of eight short story mysteries that are perfect for teachers and parents who want to read holiday-themed stories with their kids while teaching skills. The collection includes inference activities and a multiple choice quiz with an answer key for each of the following mysteries:
1. The Mystery of the Painted Pumpkin
2. The Mystery of the Missing Thanksgiving Pie
3. The Mystery of the Missing Sleigh
4. The Mystery of the Eaten Valentine’s Chocolates
5. The Mystery of LepreCONville: A St. Patrick’s Day Mystery
6. The Mystery of the Missing Easter Basket
7. The Case of the Fishy Stream: An Earth Day Mystery
8. The Mystery of the Missing Mother’s Day Bouquet