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Writer's pictureMaryna

Thursday Read-Throughs

Hi, writers!

I wanted to start a new blog series as a way to connect with the writing community every week. So, I decided to start "Thursday Read-Throughs."

Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

Basically, you email me your manuscript. I record myself reading it aloud. Then I email it back to you so you can hear how your writing sounds when read by someone else for the first time. I've found this very helpful when revising because then I can hear where a reader might stumble or get stuck on my words.

I actually started doing this back in 2018 when I first met my critique partner. We were in the KidLit411 Manuscript Swap Facebook group, and we decided to swap manuscripts. As an additional favor, I decided to record myself reading aloud her writing, and she was so grateful for that. We totally clicked as critique partners, and we're still CP's to this day!

Now, I thought it'd be fun to expand that favor to the whole writing community. So, if you'd like to participate in "Thursday Read-Throughs," here are the guidelines:

1) Subscribe to my blog (by entering your first name and email down below)

2) Retweet my "Thursday Read-Through" tweet

Three winners will be selected tonight by 9 P.M. PST. If you are one of the winners, you can submit a manuscript or an excerpt of a manuscript that's 1000 words or less. Also, the manuscript must be your own work, not someone else's.

That's it!

I hope you participate in my "Thursday Read-Throughs." You've got nothing to lose. Only something to gain!

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