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  • Writer's pictureMaryna

Quick Picks: Halloween Picture Book Read Alouds

I love the month of October because it seems like there's always some holiday-themed activity going on every weekend. It's such a fun build-up to the main event--Halloween!

We went to a mini pumpkin patch this past weekend, and it was so fun seeing the kids light up every time they picked up a pumpkin.

Who would've thought holding a pumpkin would bring so much joy?

The same thing can happen when you attach reading to the holidays. Kids light up when they get to read about the upcoming event.

If you're looking for a fun way to engage your kids in reading, then start with holiday-themed picture books. Here are a few ideas to get your reading started for Halloween:

Click below to download the list of books. You can take a screenshot or print it out, and take it to your local library or bookstore to find these books.

Happy reading!

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